Less Is More

April Fools’ Day may be a weird day to reset and start over but I can be a weird person.

To everyone reading this post…thanks for hanging in there with me! I promise this post is not an April Fools’ joke!


Sweater here | Pants here | Earrings here | Heels (similar) here | Trench (similar) here

I started this blog last year but after a few months I realized I didn’t have a blogging strategy. A lack of a distinct plan combined with a blog layout I hated meant I didn’t want to blog and this little corner of the internet gathered dust.

I greatly underestimated the amount of work it take to create and maintain a good blog. In addition, I was comparing myself to a lot of wonderful bloggers who were also professional bloggers. That is not me. Blogging is a fun passtime where I get to share ideas and passions with likeminded people.

I realized I needed to scale down my expectations of myself. I can produce things that I am eager to share and that I am proud of but I probably can’t do that three or more times a week or several times a day! I want blogging to supplement my life, not overtake it.

So now I have a blogging schedule, around once a week.—and Instagram posts around three times a week or every other day. I only want to share if I feel I have something interesting to say. I think too often, social media “experts” will tell you that you need to produce every day or else you will lose people’s attention or your following won’t grow etc. etc.

I don’t believe that to be true. I think about social media like a business meeting. Do you want to be that person in the meeting who is always talking but not adding anything of value? Or do you want to be that measured thoughtful contributor whose words really matter and adds to and moves the conversation forward? I rather be the latter.

AND WITH THAT SAID…Let’s discuss some fashion.


Coat here | Bag here | Heels here

Every spring, magazines and bloggers will devote time praising trench coats.

And with good reason. Created as a utilitarian overcoat for soldiers, the modern trench comes in a wide variety of colors, lengths, and fabrics. No longer are they limited to soldiers but I like the idea of the modern woman wearing a trench coat to arm herself against the world.

I love coats in general and probably own five too many but trench coats are probably my favorite. I like them short, long, sleeveless, frilled, cotton, leather, pleather…you name it, I probably like it.

Above I posted two different trenches worn two different ways. The first is classic and the second a bit more modern. Number one is a heavy cotton twill trench that works well for work and with casual looks. The striped trench is less structured and works well in off-hours, from grocery store runs to date nights.

One (or two!) trench coats are an absolute must for a working wardrobe.

Below I linked some great trenches that I found this season. Tell me how you plan to wear yours below!

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